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2019-03-17 22:05:49 +01:00
from DesignEntity import DesignEntity
from settings import hours, language
from TextDesign import TextDesign
from PIL import ImageDraw
2019-04-09 09:15:53 +02:00
from Assets import colors, defaultfontsize
from BoxDesign import BoxDesign
from datetime import timedelta
hourbox_y_width = 1
hour_box_fontsize = 0.75
hoursubtext_fontsize = 0.7
hoursubtext_height = 0.35
2019-04-09 09:15:53 +02:00
event_title_fontsize = defaultfontsize
event_title_padding = 1
line_thickness = 1
2019-03-17 22:05:49 +01:00
class HourListDesign (DesignEntity):
"""Hours of a day are listed vertically and
resemble a timeline."""
2019-04-05 11:37:51 +02:00
def __init__ (self, size, first_hour = 0, last_hour = 23):
2019-03-17 22:05:49 +01:00
super(HourListDesign, self).__init__(size)
self.first_hour = first_hour
self.last_hour = last_hour
2019-04-09 09:15:53 +02:00
self.events = []
def add_events (self, events):
2019-04-09 09:15:53 +02:00
2019-04-09 09:15:53 +02:00
def __finish_image__ (self):
2019-04-09 09:15:53 +02:00
for event in self.events:
def __calc_parameters__ (self):
self.hour_count = self.last_hour - self.first_hour + 1
self.__row_size__ = (self.size[0], self.size[1] / self.hour_count)
self.number_columns = self.__get_max_num_simultaneous_events__()
def __get_hour_text__ (self, hour):
if hour <= 12 or hours is "24":
return str(hour)
short = hour - 12
return str(short) if short > 0 else "12"
def __get_ypos_for_time__ (self, hour, minute = 0):
return self.__get_height_for_duration__(hour, minute) - self.__get_height_for_duration__(self.first_hour)
def __get_height_for_duration__ (self, hours, minutes = 0):
row_height = self.__row_size__[1]
return row_height * (hours + minutes / 60)
def __draw_hour_rows__ (self):
for hour in range(self.first_hour, self.last_hour + 1):
def __draw_row__ (self, hour):
subtext_height = self.__row_size__[1] * hoursubtext_height
sub_fontsize = subtext_height * hoursubtext_fontsize
width = hourbox_y_width * self.__row_size__[1]
height = self.__row_size__[1] - subtext_height
size = (width, height)
pos = (0, self.__get_ypos_for_time__(hour))
fontsize = size[1] * hour_box_fontsize
txt = TextDesign(size, text=self.__get_hour_text__(hour), fontsize=fontsize, verticalalignment="bottom", horizontalalignment="center")
txt.pos = pos
sub = TextDesign((width, subtext_height), text=self.__get_hour_sub_text__(hour), fontsize=sub_fontsize, verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="center")
sub.pos = (0, height + self.__get_ypos_for_time__(hour))
2019-04-09 09:15:53 +02:00
def __draw_lines__ (self):
for i in range(self.hour_count):
ypos = i * self.__row_size__[1]
line_start = (0, ypos)
line_end = (self.size[0], ypos)
2019-04-09 09:15:53 +02:00
ImageDraw.Draw(self.__image__).line([ line_start, line_end ], fill=colors["fg"], width=line_thickness)
2019-03-17 22:05:49 +01:00
2019-04-09 09:15:53 +02:00
def __get_hour_sub_text__ (self, hour):
if language is "de":
return "Uhr"
elif language is "en":
2019-04-09 09:15:53 +02:00
return "AM" if hour < 12 else "PM"
def __draw_event__ (self, event, column = 0):
xoffset = hourbox_y_width * self.__row_size__[1]
column_width = (self.size[0] - xoffset) / self.number_columns
begin = event.begin_datetime
time_ypos = self.__get_ypos_for_time__(begin.hour, begin.minute)
hours = event.duration.total_seconds() / 3600
time_height = self.__get_height_for_duration__(hours)
pos = (xoffset + column_width * column, time_ypos)
size = (column_width, time_height)
self.__draw_event_block__(pos, size, event)
def __draw_event_block__ (self, pos, size, event):
box_color = colors["hl"] if event.highlight else colors["fg"]
box = BoxDesign(size, fill = box_color)
box.mask = False
box.pos = pos
text = event.title
text_color = colors["bg"]
textbox_size = (size[0] - event_title_padding, size[1] - event_title_padding)
txt = TextDesign(textbox_size, text = text, fontsize=event_title_fontsize, color=text_color, background_color=box_color)
txt.pos = (pos[0] + event_title_padding, pos[1] + event_title_padding)
def __get_max_num_simultaneous_events__(self):
parallelity_count = 1
for index, event in enumerate(self.events):
current_parallelity = 1
preceding = self.events[:index] #Assumption: Events are ordered chronologically
for pre_event in preceding:
if self.__are_simultaneous__(event, pre_event):
current_parallelity += 1
if parallelity_count < current_parallelity:
parallelity_count = current_parallelity
return parallelity_count
def __are_simultaneous__(self, ev_a, ev_b):
if ev_a.begin_datetime > ev_b.begin_datetime:
ev_a, ev_b = ev_b, ev_a
mes_dur = ev_b.begin_datetime - ev_a.begin_datetime
return mes_dur < ev_a.duration