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from PanelDesign import PanelDesign
from Assets import *
from settings import *
2019-03-02 09:36:55 +01:00
import calendar as callib
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from WeatherHeaderDesign import WeatherHeaderDesign
from PIL import ImageDraw
from TextDesign import TextDesign
from BoxDesign import BoxDesign
from EllipseDesign import EllipseDesign
from MonthBlockDesign import MonthBlockDesign, daynumberboxsize
2019-03-03 16:45:21 +01:00
from EventListDesign import EventListDesign
from RssPostListDesign import RssPostListDesign
from settings import general_settings
weatherheadersize = (1,0.113)
monthtextsize = 40
monthovsize = (1, 0.5)
monthovposition = (0, 0.23 - weatherheadersize[1])
seperatorplace = (0, 0.113)
monthplace = (0, 0.12 - weatherheadersize[1])
monthboxsize = (1, 0.085)
weekdayrowpos = (0, 0.209 - weatherheadersize[1])
2019-02-28 17:35:05 +01:00
weekrowboxsize = (1, 0.044)
weekdaytextsize = 18
weekrownameboxsize = (0.143, 0.044)
2019-03-02 09:36:55 +01:00
eventcirclehorizontalsize = 0.100
infolistsize = (1, 0.77 + weatherheadersize[1])
class MonthOvPanel (PanelDesign):
"""Overview that focuses on the current month and
some additional information in the bottom."""
def __init__ (self, size):
super(MonthOvPanel, self).__init__(size)
self.weather_header_height = 0
if general_settings["weather-info"]:
self.weather_header_height = self.size[1] * weatherheadersize[1]
def __first_render__ (self):
if week_starts_on == "Monday":
2019-03-02 09:36:55 +01:00
elif week_starts_on == "Sunday":
2019-03-02 09:36:55 +01:00
self.__week_days__ = self.__get_week_days_ordered__()
2019-02-28 17:35:05 +01:00
if general_settings["weather-info"]:
self.month_block = MonthBlockDesign(self.__abs_pos__(monthovsize), datetime.now(), highlight_today = True)
pos = self.__abs_pos__(monthovposition)
pos = (pos[0], pos[1] + self.weather_header_height)
self.month_block.pos = pos
def add_weather (self, weather):
if general_settings["weather-info"] == False:
self.draw_design(WeatherHeaderDesign(self.__abs_pos__(weatherheadersize), weather))
def add_rssfeed (self, rss):
if general_settings["info-area"] is "rss":
2019-03-06 22:15:08 +01:00
2019-03-02 09:36:55 +01:00
def add_calendar (self, calendar):
if general_settings["highlight-event-days"]:
2019-03-06 22:15:08 +01:00
month_events = list(set([ (event.begin_datetime.day, event.begin_datetime.month, event.begin_datetime.year) for event in calendar.get_month_events()]))
for event in month_events:
2019-03-02 09:36:55 +01:00
if general_settings["info-area"] is "events":
2019-03-06 22:15:08 +01:00
2019-03-03 16:45:21 +01:00
def __draw_rss_post_list_to_bottom__ (self, rss):
month_pos = self.__abs_pos__(monthovposition)
month_height = self.month_block.get_real_height()
size = self.__abs_pos__(infolistsize)
size = (size[0], size[1] - month_height - self.weather_header_height)
2019-03-24 21:27:32 +01:00
info_list = RssPostListDesign(size, rss)
info_list.pos = (int(month_pos[0]), int(month_pos[1] + month_height + self.weather_header_height))
2019-03-03 16:45:21 +01:00
def __draw_event_list_to_bottom__ (self, calendar):
month_pos = self.__abs_pos__(monthovposition)
month_height = self.month_block.get_real_height()
size = self.__abs_pos__(infolistsize)
size = (size[0], size[1] - month_height - self.weather_header_height)
events = calendar.get_upcoming_events()
2019-03-24 21:27:32 +01:00
info_list = EventListDesign(size, events)
info_list.pos = (int(month_pos[0]), int(month_pos[1] + month_height + self.weather_header_height))
2019-03-03 16:45:21 +01:00
2019-03-02 09:36:55 +01:00
def __draw_highlight_event_day__ (self, date):
first_month_week = datetime(date[2], date[1], 1).isocalendar()[1]
cur_date = datetime(date[2], date[1], date[0])
side_length = int(eventcirclehorizontalsize * self.size[0])
circle_size = (side_length,side_length)
pos = self.month_block.get_day_pos(cur_date.isocalendar()[1] - first_month_week, self.__get_day_of_week__(cur_date), rel_pos = self.month_block.pos)
place_size = (self.month_block.size[0] * daynumberboxsize[0], self.month_block.size[1] * daynumberboxsize[1])
2019-03-02 09:36:55 +01:00
pos = (int(pos[0] + (place_size[0] - circle_size[0]) / 2), int(pos[1] + (place_size[1] - circle_size[1]) / 2))
self.__draw_highlight_circle__(circle_size, pos, 'red', width=2)
def __abs_pos__ (self, pos, size = None):
2019-02-28 17:35:05 +01:00
if size is None:
size = self.size
return (int(pos[0] * size[0]), int(pos[1] * size[1]))
def __draw_seperator__ (self):
"""Draw a line seperating the weather and Calendar section"""
ImageDraw.Draw(self.__image__).line([ self.__abs_pos__(seperatorplace), self.__abs_pos__((1, seperatorplace[1])) ], fill='red', width=5)
def __draw_month_name__ (self):
"""Draw the icon with the current month's name"""
month = datetime.now().strftime("%B")
txt = TextDesign(self.__abs_pos__(monthboxsize), fontsize=monthtextsize, text=month, verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="center")
pos = self.__abs_pos__(monthplace)
txt.pos = (pos[0], pos[1] + self.weather_header_height)
2019-02-28 17:35:05 +01:00
def __draw_week_row__ (self):
2019-03-02 09:36:55 +01:00
for day_of_week, day in enumerate(self.__week_days__):
txt = TextDesign(self.__abs_pos__(weekrownameboxsize), fontsize=weekdaytextsize, text=str(day), verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="center")
txt.pos = self.__get_week_day_pos__(day_of_week)
2019-02-28 17:35:05 +01:00
2019-03-02 09:36:55 +01:00
self.__draw_highlight_box__(self.__abs_pos__(weekrownameboxsize), self.__get_week_day_pos__(self.__get_day_of_week__(datetime.now())), width=1)
2019-02-28 17:35:05 +01:00
def __get_week_day_pos__ (self, day_of_week):
2019-02-28 17:35:05 +01:00
maxwidth, _ = self.__abs_pos__(monthovsize)
partialwidth = maxwidth / 7
posx, posy = self.__abs_pos__(weekdayrowpos)
return (int(posx + day_of_week * partialwidth), int(posy + self.weather_header_height))
2019-04-05 11:37:51 +02:00
def __draw_highlight_box__ (self, size, pos, color = colors["fg"], width = 1):
design = BoxDesign(size, outline=color, width = width)
design.pos = pos
2019-02-28 17:35:05 +01:00
2019-04-05 11:37:51 +02:00
def __draw_highlight_circle__ (self, size, pos, color = colors["fg"], width = 1):
design = EllipseDesign(size, outline=color, width = width)
design.pos = pos
def __get_week_days_ordered__ (self):
cur_weekday = datetime.now().weekday()
correction = -cur_weekday
if week_starts_on == "Sunday":
correction -= 1
weekdays = []
for i in range(7):
weekdays.append((datetime.now() + timedelta(days=(i + correction))).strftime("%a"))
return weekdays
def __get_day_of_week__ (self, date):
return self.__week_days__.index(date.strftime("%a"))