Encapsuled the month number overview to an extra design class

This commit is contained in:
Maximilian Giller 2019-03-02 10:10:39 +01:00
parent b7692efa35
commit 2f53c639b5
2 changed files with 93 additions and 43 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
from DesignEntity import DesignEntity
import calendar as callib
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from TextDesign import TextDesign
from Assets import *
from settings import *
from BoxDesign import BoxDesign
daynumberboxsize = (0.143, 0.286)
dayhighlightboxsize = (0.143, 0.14)
daynumbersize = 25
class MonthBlockDesign (DesignEntity):
"""Creates a view containing one week of the month in
one row"""
def __init__(self, size, datetime_month, highlight_today = False):
super(MonthBlockDesign, self).__init__(size, mask=True)
self.month = datetime_month.month
self.year = datetime_month.year
self.highlight_today = highlight_today
self.__week_days__ = self.__get_week_days_ordered__()
def __finish_image__(self):
def __draw_month_overview__ (self):
"""Using the built-in calendar function, draw icons for each
number of the month (1,2,3,...28,29,30)"""
cal = callib.monthcalendar(self.year, self.month)
for week in cal:
for numbers in week:
self.__draw_day_number__(numbers, self.get_day_pos(cal.index(week), week.index(numbers)))
if self.highlight_today:
self.__draw_highlight_box__(self.__abs_pos__(dayhighlightboxsize), self.__get_today_box_pos__(), width=3)
def __draw_highlight_box__ (self, size, pos, color='black', width=1):
design = BoxDesign(size, outline=color, width = width)
design.pos = pos
def __draw_day_number__ (self, number, pos):
if number <= 0:
txt = TextDesign(self.__abs_pos__(daynumberboxsize), fontsize=daynumbersize, text=str(number), verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="center")
txt.pos = pos
def get_day_pos (self, week_in_month, day_of_week, rel_pos=(0,0)):
maxwidth, maxheight = self.size
partialwidth = maxwidth / 7
partialheight = maxheight / 5
return (int(rel_pos[0] + day_of_week * partialwidth), int(rel_pos[1] + week_in_month * partialheight))
def __get_today_box_pos__ (self):
x, y = self.get_day_pos(int(datetime.now().day / 7), self.__get_day_of_week__(datetime.now()))
return (x, int(y + (self.__abs_pos__(daynumberboxsize)[1] - self.__abs_pos__(dayhighlightboxsize)[1]) / 2))
def __get_day_of_week__ (self, date):
return self.__week_days__.index(date.strftime("%a"))
def __get_week_days_ordered__ (self):
cur_weekday = datetime.now().weekday()
correction = -cur_weekday
if week_starts_on == "Sunday":
correction -= 1
weekdays = []
for i in range(7):
weekdays.append((datetime.now() + timedelta(days=(i + correction))).strftime("%a"))
return weekdays
def __abs_pos__ (self, pos, size = None):
if size is None:
size = self.size
return (int(pos[0] * size[0]), int(pos[1] * size[1]))

View file

@ -8,17 +8,15 @@ from PIL import ImageDraw
from TextDesign import TextDesign
from BoxDesign import BoxDesign
from EllipseDesign import EllipseDesign
from MonthBlockDesign import MonthBlockDesign, daynumberboxsize
monthtextsize = 40
monthovsize = (1, 0.5)
monthovposition = (0, 0.23)
weatherheadersize = (1,0.113)
seperatorplace = (0, 0.113)
monthplace = (0, 0.12)
monthboxsize = (1, 0.085)
daynumberboxsize = (0.143, 0.143)
dayhighlightboxsize = (0.143, 0.07)
daynumbersize = 25
monthtextsize = 40
monthovposition = (0, 0.23)
monthovsize = (1, 0.5)
weekdayrowpos = (0, 0.209)
weekrowboxsize = (1, 0.044)
weekdaytextsize = 18
@ -41,9 +39,12 @@ class MonthOvPanel (PanelDesign):
self.month_block = MonthBlockDesign(self.__abs_pos__(monthovsize), datetime.now(), highlight_today = True)
self.month_block.pos = self.__abs_pos__(monthovposition)
def add_weather (self, weather):
self.draw_design(WeatherHeaderDesign(self.__abs_pos__(weatherheadersize), weather))
@ -62,8 +63,8 @@ class MonthOvPanel (PanelDesign):
side_length = int(eventcirclehorizontalsize * self.size[0])
circle_size = (side_length,side_length)
pos = self.__get_day_pos__(cur_date.isocalendar()[1] - first_month_week, self.__get_day_of_week__(cur_date))
place_size = self.__abs_pos__(daynumberboxsize)
pos = self.month_block.get_day_pos(cur_date.isocalendar()[1] - first_month_week, self.__get_day_of_week__(cur_date), rel_pos = self.__abs_pos__(monthovposition))
place_size = (self.month_block.size[0] * daynumberboxsize[0], self.month_block.size[1] * daynumberboxsize[1])
pos = (int(pos[0] + (place_size[0] - circle_size[0]) / 2), int(pos[1] + (place_size[1] - circle_size[1]) / 2))
self.__draw_highlight_circle__(circle_size, pos, 'red', width=2)
@ -76,13 +77,6 @@ class MonthOvPanel (PanelDesign):
"""Draw a line seperating the weather and Calendar section"""
ImageDraw.Draw(self.__image__).line([ self.__abs_pos__(seperatorplace), self.__abs_pos__((1, seperatorplace[1])) ], fill='red', width=5)
def __draw_day_number__ (self, number, pos):
if number <= 0:
txt = TextDesign(self.__abs_pos__(daynumberboxsize), fontsize=daynumbersize, text=str(number), verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="center")
txt.pos = pos
def __draw_month_name__ (self):
"""Draw the icon with the current month's name"""
month = datetime.now().strftime("%B")
@ -90,23 +84,6 @@ class MonthOvPanel (PanelDesign):
txt.pos = self.__abs_pos__(monthplace)
def __get_day_pos__ (self, week_in_month, day_of_week):
maxwidth, maxheight = self.__abs_pos__(monthovsize)
partialwidth = maxwidth / 7
partialheight = maxheight / 5
posx, posy = self.__abs_pos__(monthovposition)
return (int(posx + day_of_week * partialwidth), int(posy + week_in_month * partialheight))
def __draw_month_overview__ (self):
"""Using the built-in calendar function, draw icons for each
number of the month (1,2,3,...28,29,30)"""
cal = callib.monthcalendar(datetime.now().year, datetime.now().month)
for week in cal:
for numbers in week:
self.__draw_day_number__(numbers, self.__get_day_pos__(cal.index(week), week.index(numbers)))
self.__draw_highlight_box__(self.__abs_pos__(dayhighlightboxsize), self.__get_today_box_pos__(), width=3)
def __draw_week_row__ (self):
for day_of_week, day in enumerate(self.__week_days__):
txt = TextDesign(self.__abs_pos__(weekrownameboxsize), fontsize=weekdaytextsize, text=str(day), verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="center")
@ -121,19 +98,12 @@ class MonthOvPanel (PanelDesign):
posx, posy = self.__abs_pos__(weekdayrowpos)
return (int(posx + day_of_week * partialwidth), int(posy))
def __get_today_box_pos__ (self):
x, y = self.__get_day_pos__(int(datetime.now().day / 7), self.__get_day_of_week__(datetime.now()))
return (x, int(y + (self.__abs_pos__(daynumberboxsize)[1] - self.__abs_pos__(dayhighlightboxsize)[1]) / 2))
def __get_day_of_week__ (self, date):
return self.__week_days__.index(date.strftime("%a"))
def __draw_highlight_box__ (self, size, pos, color='black', width=1):
def __draw_highlight_box__ (self, size, pos, color = 'black', width = 1):
design = BoxDesign(size, outline=color, width = width)
design.pos = pos
def __draw_highlight_circle__ (self, size, pos, color = 'black', width=1):
def __draw_highlight_circle__ (self, size, pos, color = 'black', width = 1):
design = EllipseDesign(size, outline=color, width = width)
design.pos = pos
@ -149,3 +119,6 @@ class MonthOvPanel (PanelDesign):
weekdays.append((datetime.now() + timedelta(days=(i + correction))).strftime("%a"))
return weekdays
def __get_day_of_week__ (self, date):
return self.__week_days__.index(date.strftime("%a"))