""" To quickly get started, fill in the following details:""" ical_urls = [ "https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/en.usa%23holiday%40group.v.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics" ] highlighted_ical_urls = [ ] rss_feeds = [ "http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/world/rss.xml#" ] crypto_coins = [ "bitcoin", "litecoin", "ethereum", "binancecoin" ] api_key = "" owm_paid_subscription = False location = "Julich, DE" week_starts_on = "Monday" display_colours = "bwr" language = "en" datetime_encoding = "UTF-8" # UTF-8 units = "metric" #aviation (celcius,degrees/knots), metric (celcius,kmh), imperial(f,mph) hours = "24" update_interval = 60 """DESIGN""" font_size = 14 # does not affect every text font_boldness = "semibold" # extralight, light, regular, semibold, bold, extrabold line_thickness = 1 # 1-3 Thickness advised choosen_design = "month-overview" # month-overview, day-list, day-view, agenda-list, month-view general_settings = { # General settings that designs may use "info-area" : "rss", # empty, events, rss, crypto "highlight-event-days" : True, "weather-info" : True } """DEBUG""" render_to_display = True render_to_file = False # Will be called "design_exported.png" in Calendar-directory calibrate_hours = [0, 12, 18] print_technical_data = False