from DesignEntity import DesignEntity import calendar as callib from datetime import datetime, timedelta from TextDesign import TextDesign from Assets import * from settings import * from BoxDesign import BoxDesign daynumberboxsize = (0.143, 0.286) dayhighlightboxsize = (0.143, 0.14) daynumbersize = 25 class MonthBlockDesign (DesignEntity): """Creates a view containing one week of the month in one row""" def __init__(self, size, datetime_month, highlight_today = False): super(MonthBlockDesign, self).__init__(size, mask=True) self.month = datetime_month.month self.year = datetime_month.year self.highlight_today = highlight_today self.__week_days__ = self.__get_week_days_ordered__() def __finish_image__(self): self.__draw_month_overview__() def __draw_month_overview__ (self): """Using the built-in calendar function, draw icons for each number of the month (1,2,3,...29,30,31)""" cal = callib.monthcalendar(self.year, self.month) for week in cal: for numbers in week: self.__draw_day_number__(numbers, self.get_day_pos(cal.index(week), week.index(numbers))) if self.highlight_today: self.__draw_highlight_box__(self.__abs_pos__(dayhighlightboxsize), self.__get_today_box_pos__(), width=3) def __draw_highlight_box__ (self, size, pos, color='black', width=1): design = BoxDesign(size, outline=color, width = width) design.pos = pos self.draw_design(design) def __draw_day_number__ (self, number, pos): if number <= 0: return txt = TextDesign(self.__abs_pos__(daynumberboxsize), fontsize=daynumbersize, text=str(number), verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="center") txt.pos = pos self.draw_design(txt) def get_day_pos (self, week_in_month, day_of_week, rel_pos=(0,0)): maxwidth, maxheight = self.size partialwidth = maxwidth / 7 partialheight = maxheight / 5 return (int(rel_pos[0] + day_of_week * partialwidth), int(rel_pos[1] + week_in_month * partialheight)) def __get_today_box_pos__ (self): x, y = self.get_day_pos(self.__get_week_of_month__(, self.__get_day_of_week__( return (x, int(y + (self.__abs_pos__(daynumberboxsize)[1] - self.__abs_pos__(dayhighlightboxsize)[1]) / 2)) def __get_week_of_month__ (self, date): for wof, week in enumerate(callib.monthcalendar(date.year, date.month)): if in week: return wof return 0 def __get_day_of_week__ (self, date): return self.__week_days__.index(date.strftime("%a")) def __get_week_days_ordered__ (self): cur_weekday = correction = -cur_weekday if week_starts_on == "Sunday": correction -= 1 weekdays = [] for i in range(7): weekdays.append(( + timedelta(days=(i + correction))).strftime("%a")) return weekdays def __abs_pos__ (self, pos, size = None): if size is None: size = self.size return (int(pos[0] * size[0]), int(pos[1] * size[1])) def get_real_height (self): weeks_in_month = callib.monthcalendar(self.year, self.month) num_size = self.__abs_pos__(daynumberboxsize) num_pos = self.get_day_pos(len(weeks_in_month) - 1, 6) return num_size[1] + num_pos[1]