
270 lines
11 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
E-Paper Software (main script) for the 3-colour and 2-Colour E-Paper display
A full and detailed breakdown for this code can be found in the wiki.
If you have any questions, feel free to open an issue at Github.
Copyright by aceisace
from __future__ import print_function
import calendar
from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep
from DebugConsole import DebugConsole
debug = DebugConsole()
from settings import *
from icon_positions_locations import *
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageOps
import OwmForecasts
import IcalEvents
from urllib.request import urlopen
except Exception as e:
debug.print("Something didn't work right, maybe you're offline?" + e.reason)
output_adapters = []
if render_to_file:
import ImageFileAdapter
epd = ImageFileAdapter.ImageFileAdapter()
if render_to_display:
if display_colours == "bwr":
import Epd7in5bAdapter
epd = Epd7in5bAdapter.Epd7in5bAdapter()
elif display_colours == "bw":
import Epd7in5Adapter
epd = Epd7in5Adapter.Epd7in5Adapter()
EPD_WIDTH = epd.width
EPD_HEIGHT = epd.height
font = ImageFont.truetype(path + 'Assistant-Regular.ttf', 18)
im_open = Image.open
"""Main loop starts from here"""
def main ():
while True:
time = datetime.now()
hour = int(time.strftime("%H"))
month = int(time.now().strftime('%m'))
year = int(time.now().strftime('%Y'))
for i in range(1):
debug.print('_________Starting new loop___________' + '\n')
"""At the following hours (midnight, midday and 6 pm), perform
a calibration of the display's colours"""
if hour in calibrate_hours:
for output in output_adapters:
debug.print('Date:'+ time.strftime('%a %d %b %y') + ', time: ' + time.strftime('%H:%M') + '\n')
"""Create a blank white page, for debugging, change mode to
to 'RGB' and and save the image by uncommenting the image.save
line at the bottom"""
image = Image.new('L', (EPD_HEIGHT, EPD_WIDTH), 'white')
draw = (ImageDraw.Draw(image)).bitmap
"""Draw the icon with the current month's name"""
image.paste(im_open(mpath + str(time.strftime("%B") + '.jpeg')), monthplace)
"""Draw a line seperating the weather and Calendar section"""
image.paste(seperator, seperatorplace)
"""Draw the icons with the weekday-names (Mon, Tue...) and
draw a circle on the current weekday"""
if (week_starts_on == "Monday"):
image.paste(weekmon, weekplace)
draw(weekdaysmon[(time.strftime("%a"))], weekday)
if (week_starts_on == "Sunday"):
image.paste(weeksun, weekplace)
draw(weekdayssun[(time.strftime("%a"))], weekday)
"""Using the built-in calendar function, draw icons for each
number of the month (1,2,3,...28,29,30)"""
cal = calendar.monthcalendar(time.year, time.month)
#debug.print(cal) #-uncomment for debugging with incorrect dates
for numbers in cal[0]:
image.paste(im_open(dpath + str(numbers) + '.jpeg'), positions['a' + str(cal[0].index(numbers) + 1)])
for numbers in cal[1]:
image.paste(im_open(dpath + str(numbers) + '.jpeg'), positions['b' + str(cal[1].index(numbers) + 1)])
for numbers in cal[2]:
image.paste(im_open(dpath + str(numbers) + '.jpeg'), positions['c' + str(cal[2].index(numbers) + 1)])
for numbers in cal[3]:
image.paste(im_open(dpath + str(numbers) + '.jpeg'), positions['d' + str(cal[3].index(numbers) + 1)])
for numbers in cal[4]:
image.paste(im_open(dpath + str(numbers) + '.jpeg'), positions['e' + str(cal[4].index(numbers) + 1)])
for numbers in cal[5]:
image.paste(im_open(dpath + str(numbers) + '.jpeg'), positions['f' + str(cal[5].index(numbers) + 1)])
except IndexError:
"""Custom function to display text on the E-Paper.
Tuple refers to the x and y coordinates of the E-Paper display,
with (0, 0) being the top left corner of the display."""
def write_text (box_width, box_height, text, tuple):
text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text)
if (text_width, text_height) > (box_width, box_height):
raise ValueError('Sorry, your text is too big for the box')
x = int((box_width / 2) - (text_width / 2))
y = int((box_height / 2) - (text_height / 2))
space = Image.new('L', (box_width, box_height), color=255)
ImageDraw.Draw(space).text((x, y), text, fill=0, font=font)
image.paste(space, tuple)
""" Handling Openweathermap API"""
debug.print("Connecting to Openweathermap API servers...")
owm = OwmForecasts.OwmForecasts(api_key, units=units)
if owm.is_available() is True:
forecast = owm.get_today_forecast(location)
if forecast.units == "metric":
write_text(50, 35, forecast.air_temperature + " °C", (334, 0))
write_text(100, 35, forecast.wind_speed + " km/h", (114, 0))
if forecast.units == "imperial":
write_text(50, 35, forecast.air_temperature + " °F", (334, 0))
write_text(100, 35, forecast.wind_speed + " mph", (114, 0))
if hours == "24":
sunrisetime = str(forecast.sunrise.strftime('%H:%M'))
sunsettime = str(forecast.sunset.strftime('%H:%M'))
if hours == "12":
sunrisetime = str(forecast.sunrise.strftime('%I:%M'))
sunsettime = str(forecast.sunset.strftime('%I:%M'))
"""Drawing the fetched weather icon"""
image.paste(im_open(wpath + weathericons[forecast.icon] + '.jpeg'), wiconplace)
"""Drawing the fetched temperature"""
image.paste(tempicon, tempplace)
"""Drawing the fetched humidity"""
image.paste(humicon, humplace)
write_text(50, 35, forecast.air_humidity + " %", (334, 35))
"""Drawing the fetched sunrise time"""
image.paste(sunriseicon, sunriseplace)
write_text(50, 35, sunrisetime, (249, 0))
"""Drawing the fetched sunset time"""
image.paste(sunseticon, sunsetplace)
write_text(50, 35, sunsettime, (249, 35))
"""Drawing the wind icon"""
image.paste(windicon, windiconspace)
"""Write a short weather description"""
write_text(144, 35, forecast.short_description, (70, 35))
image.paste(no_response, wiconplace)
"""Filter upcoming events from your iCalendar/s"""
debug.print('Fetching events from your calendar' + '\n')
events_cal = IcalEvents.IcalEvents(ical_urls)
for event in events_cal.get_month_events():
upcoming = events_cal.get_upcoming_events()
events_this_month = events_cal.get_month_events()
events_this_month = [event.begin_datetime.day for event in events_this_month]
def takeDate (elem):
return elem.begin_datetime
del upcoming[4:]
# uncomment the following 2 lines to display the fetched events
# from your iCalendar
debug.print('Upcoming events:')
debug.print('Month events:')
#Credit to Hubert for suggesting truncating event names
def write_text_left (box_width, box_height, text, tuple):
text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text)
while (text_width, text_height) > (box_width, box_height):
text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text)
y = int((box_height / 2) - (text_height / 2))
space = Image.new('L', (box_width, box_height), color=255)
ImageDraw.Draw(space).text((0, y), text, fill=0, font=font)
image.paste(space, tuple)
"""Write event dates and names on the E-Paper"""
for dates in range(len(upcoming)):
write_text(70, 25, (upcoming[dates].begin_datetime.strftime('%d %b')), date_positions['d' + str(dates + 1)])
for events in range(len(upcoming)):
write_text_left(314, 25, (upcoming[events].title), event_positions['e' + str(events + 1)])
"""Draw smaller squares on days with events"""
for numbers in events_this_month:
if numbers in cal[0]:
draw(positions['a' + str(cal[0].index(numbers) + 1)], eventicon)
if numbers in cal[1]:
draw(positions['b' + str(cal[1].index(numbers) + 1)], eventicon)
if numbers in cal[2]:
draw(positions['c' + str(cal[2].index(numbers) + 1)], eventicon)
if numbers in cal[3]:
draw(positions['d' + str(cal[3].index(numbers) + 1)], eventicon)
if numbers in cal[4]:
draw(positions['e' + str(cal[4].index(numbers) + 1)], eventicon)
if numbers in cal[5]:
draw(positions['f' + str(cal[5].index(numbers) + 1)], eventicon)
except IndexError:
"""Draw a larger square on today's date"""
today = time.day
if today in cal[0]:
draw(positions['a' + str(cal[0].index(today) + 1)], dateicon)
if today in cal[1]:
draw(positions['b' + str(cal[1].index(today) + 1)], dateicon)
if today in cal[2]:
draw(positions['c' + str(cal[2].index(today) + 1)], dateicon)
if today in cal[3]:
draw(positions['d' + str(cal[3].index(today) + 1)], dateicon)
if today in cal[4]:
draw(positions['e' + str(cal[4].index(today) + 1)], dateicon)
if today in cal[5]:
draw(positions['f' + str(cal[5].index(today) + 1)], dateicon)
except IndexError:
for output in output_adapters:
debug.print("Finished rendering")
for i in range(1):
nexthour = ((60 - int(time.strftime("%M"))) * 60) - (int(time.strftime("%S")))
if __name__ == '__main__':