96 lines
3.5 KiB
96 lines
3.5 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
E-Paper Software (main script) for the 3-colour and 2-Colour E-Paper display
A full and detailed breakdown for this code can be found in the wiki.
If you have any questions, feel free to open an issue at Github.
Copyright by aceisace
from __future__ import print_function
from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep
from Assets import datetime_locals
import locale
from DebugConsole import DebugConsole
from settings import *
from MonthOvPanel import MonthOvPanel
from WeatherHeaderDesign import WeatherHeaderDesign
import OwmForecasts
import IcalEvents
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, datetime_locals[language])
debug = DebugConsole()
output_adapters = []
if render_to_file:
import ImageFileAdapter
epd = ImageFileAdapter.ImageFileAdapter()
if render_to_display:
if display_colours == "bwr":
import Epd7in5bAdapter
epd = Epd7in5bAdapter.Epd7in5bAdapter()
elif display_colours == "bw":
import Epd7in5Adapter
epd = Epd7in5Adapter.Epd7in5Adapter()
"""Main loop starts from here"""
def main ():
while True:
time = datetime.now()
hour = int(time.strftime("%H"))
month = int(time.now().strftime('%m'))
year = int(time.now().strftime('%Y'))
for i in range(1):
debug.print_line('_________Starting new loop___________' + '\n')
debug.print_line('Date:'+ time.strftime('%a %d %b %y') + ', time: ' + time.strftime('%H:%M') + '\n')
if hour in calibrate_hours:
for output in output_adapters:
design = MonthOvPanel((epd.width, epd.height))
debug.print_line("Connecting to Openweathermap API servers...")
owm = OwmForecasts.OwmForecasts(api_key)
debug.print_line('Fetching events from your calendar' + '\n')
events_cal = IcalEvents.IcalEvents(ical_urls)
##Credit to Hubert for suggesting truncating event names
#def write_text_left (box_width, box_height, text, tuple):
# text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text)
# while (text_width, text_height) > (box_width, box_height):
# text=text[0:-1]
# text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text)
# y = int((box_height / 2) - (text_height / 2))
# space = Image.new('L', (box_width, box_height), color=255)
# ImageDraw.Draw(space).text((0, y), text, fill=0, font=font)
# image.paste(space, tuple)
#"""Write event dates and names on the E-Paper"""
#for dates in range(len(upcoming)):
# write_text(70, 25, (upcoming[dates].begin_datetime.strftime('%d %b')), date_positions['d' + str(dates + 1)])
#for events in range(len(upcoming)):
# write_text_left(314, 25, (upcoming[events].title), event_positions['e' + str(events + 1)])
for output in output_adapters:
debug.print_line("Finished rendering")
for i in range(1):
nexthour = ((60 - int(time.strftime("%M"))) * 60) - (int(time.strftime("%S")))
if __name__ == '__main__':