#ifndef PERSPECTIVECAMERA_H #define PERSPECTIVECAMERA_H #include "camera/camera.h" class PerspectiveCamera : public Camera { public: // Constructor / Destructor PerspectiveCamera(); ~PerspectiveCamera() override = default; // Set void setPosition(Vector3d const &position) { this->position = position; } void setForwardDirection(Vector3d const &forwardDirection) { // IMPLEMENT ME // Set up a left-handed coordinate system, // in which the camera looks along the positive z-Axis // Set up a left-handed coordinate system, // in which the camera looks along the positive z-Axis std::tie(this->forwardDirection, this->upDirection, this->rightDirection) = orthoNormalized(forwardDirection, this->upDirection, crossProduct(this->upDirection, forwardDirection)); } void setUpDirection(Vector3d const &upDirection) { // IMPLEMENT ME // Set up a left-handed coordinate system, // in which the camera looks along the positive z-Axis // Set up a left-handed coordinate system, // in which the camera looks along the positive z-Axis std::tie(this->forwardDirection, this->upDirection, this->rightDirection) = orthoNormalized(this->forwardDirection, upDirection, crossProduct(upDirection, this->forwardDirection)); } void setFovAngle(float fovAngle) { // Calculate the focus this->focus = 1.0f / std::tan((fovAngle * PI / 180) / 2.0f); } // Camera functions Ray createRay(float x, float y) const override; protected: Vector3d position; Vector3d forwardDirection; Vector3d upDirection; Vector3d rightDirection; float focus; }; #endif