2022-11-18 11:43:53 +01:00

27 lines
998 B

#include "light/pointlight.h"
#include "scene/scene.h"
PointLight::PointLight(Vector3d const &position, float intensity, Color const &color) : Light(intensity, color), position(position) {}
Light::Illumination PointLight::illuminate(Scene const &scene, Ray const &ray) const {
Vector3d const target = ray.origin + (ray.length - LGT_EPS) * ray.direction;
// Illumination object
Illumination illum;
illum.direction = normalized(target - this->position);
// Precompute the distance from the light source
float const distance = length(target - this->position);
// Define a secondary ray from the surface point to the light source.
Ray lightRay;
lightRay.origin = target;
lightRay.direction = -illum.direction;
lightRay.length = distance - LGT_EPS;
// If the target is not in shadow...
if (!scene.findOcclusion(lightRay))
// ... compute the attenuation and light color
illum.color = 1.0f / (distance * distance) * this->color * this->intensity;
return illum;