Potential fix for motion lights

This commit is contained in:
Maximilian Giller 2022-03-14 20:49:47 +01:00
parent e951b836e7
commit 3f2ed80c29

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@ -8,40 +8,72 @@ from sensor.vl53l1x_sensor import VL53L1XSensor
import logging
import json
LOG_FILE_PATH = "log.txt"
# Should lights already turn on where there is any kind of motion in the sensor
LOG_FILE_PATH = "log.txt" # Path for logs
hue_conf = {
'bridge_ip': '',
'transition_time': 10, # seconds
'light_group': '',
# If file exists, application is considered 'registered' at the bridge
'registered_file': 'smart_light_registered.bridge'
} # Custom configuration for philips hue
hue = PhilipsHue(hue_conf)
counter = PeopleCounter(VL53L1XSensor())
peopleCount = 0
early_light_state = False
hue: PhilipsHue = PhilipsHue(hue_conf) # Light interface
counter: PeopleCounter = PeopleCounter(VL53L1XSensor()) # Sensor object
peopleCount: int = 0 # Global count of people on the inside
motion_triggered_lights = False # Is light on because of any detected motion
def change_cb(countChange: int, directionState: Dict):
"""Handles basic logging of event data for later analysis.
countChange (int): The change in the number of people. Usually on of [-1, 0, 1].
directionState (Dict): Object describing the internal state of the sensor.
data = {
'previousPeopleCount': peopleCount,
'countChange': countChange,
'directionState': directionState,
'dateTime': datetime.now(),
'earlyLightState': motion_triggered_lights
with open(LOG_FILE_PATH, 'a') as f:
f.write(json.dumps(data, default=str) + "\n")
except Exception as ex:
logging.exception(f'Unable to write log file. {ex}')
def count_change(change: int) -> None:
"""Handles light state when people count changes
change (int): The change in the number of people. Usually on of [-1, 0, 1].
global hue
global peopleCount
global early_light_state
global motion_triggered_lights
# Are lights on at the moment?
previous_lights_state = hue.get_group(hue_conf['light_group'])[
# Apply correction
if peopleCount <= 0 and previous_lights_state and not early_light_state:
# User indicates, that people count was not actually 0
if peopleCount <= 0 and previous_lights_state and not motion_triggered_lights:
# Count was 0, but lights were on (not because of motion triggers) => people count was not actually 0
peopleCount = 1
logging.debug(f'People count corrected to {peopleCount}')
elif peopleCount > 0 and not previous_lights_state:
# User indicates, that people count was actually 0
# Count was >0, but lights were off => people count was actually 0
peopleCount = 0
logging.debug(f'People count corrected to {peopleCount}')
@ -56,7 +88,8 @@ def count_change(change: int) -> None:
# Return, if there is no change
if previous_lights_state == target_light_state:
if previous_lights_state:
early_light_state = False
# Signaling that the people count is taking control over the light now
motion_triggered = False
hue.set_group(hue_conf['light_group'], {'on': target_light_state})
@ -64,47 +97,48 @@ def count_change(change: int) -> None:
def trigger_change(triggerState: Dict):
"""Handles motion triggered light state.
triggerState (Dict): Describing in what directions the sensor is triggerd.
global hue
global early_light_state
global motion_triggered_lights
target_light_state = None
# Is someone walking close to the door?
target_light_state = triggerState[Directions.INSIDE] or triggerState[Directions.OUTSIDE]
motion_detected = triggerState[Directions.INSIDE] or triggerState[Directions.OUTSIDE]
target_light_state = motion_detected
# Does motion triggered light need to do anything?
if peopleCount > 0:
# State is successfully handled by the count
motion_triggered_lights = False
# Only look at changing situations
if target_light_state == early_light_state:
if target_light_state == motion_triggered_lights:
# Are lights on at the moment?
previous_lights_state = hue.get_group(hue_conf['light_group'])['state']['any_on']
previous_lights_state = hue.get_group(hue_conf['light_group'])[
if target_light_state == previous_lights_state:
# Adjust light as necessary
hue.set_group(hue_conf['light_group'], {'on': target_light_state})
logging.debug(f'Light state changed to {target_light_state} for early light')
early_light_state = target_light_state
def change_cb(countChange: int, directionState: Dict):
data = {
'previousPeopleCount': peopleCount,
'countChange': countChange,
'directionState': directionState,
'dateTime': datetime.now(),
'earlyLightState': early_light_state
with open(LOG_FILE_PATH, 'a') as f:
f.write(json.dumps(data, default=str) + "\n")
except Exception as ex:
logging.exception(f'Unable to write log file. {ex}')
f'Light state changed to {target_light_state} for early light')
# Save state
motion_triggered_lights = target_light_state
# Represents callback trigger order