2018-10-02 16:53:48 +02:00

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Contribution Policy the E-Paper Calendar software

Thanks for contributing to the E-Paper Calendar Software!

If you wish to contribute, please test your suggestion for at least one week on your own E-Paper first. Often, a small change makes a lot of difference so it's important to check how well your suggestion can perform.

A testing time for 1 week is set as the E-Paper software takes 1 days for a daily cycle, 7 days for a weekly cycle and 1 month for a montly cycle. Usually, if it works for the daily and weekly cycle, there shouldn't be any issues in the monthly cycle.

Submitting Issues

Please only submit reproducible issues and write the instructions on how to reproduce them.

When you are submitting a new issue, please supply the following information:

  • Version info; Copy the data inside the Info.txt file (/home/pi/E-Paper-Master/Info.txt). If there's no such file, you are using an outdated version. Please consider updating.

  • Error output: Any errors of the Main script can be found in /home/pi/E-Paper-Master/E-Paper-err.log. You don't need to copy the entire file (please don't) but rather the latest errors that occured.

  • Changes made: If you have made any changes (apart from personal information), also include them to help debugging.

  • Description: Provide a detailed description about the issue and include specific details to help us understand the problem. Adding screenshots will help describing the problem.

  • Steps to reproduce: List the step by step process to reproduce the issue.

  • Results: Describe what you expected to see and what you actually saw.

  • Additional Notes: Provide any other relevant notes not previously mentioned. This is optional.